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ouchy ouchy!!

June 19 2007, 5:51 PM

gosh..volleyball is a tough sport. i'm hurting all over. i got home and cleaned. but today we did suicides and just regular stuff. my legs are not functioning properly grrrr!!... but yes i'm very tired. so tired. i'm exhausted. but today me and my friend emily were doing really good at setting, bumping, and serving and most definitely spiking that was our speciality =D. we almost hit people. it was very painful lol. but today was an ok day. i am relaxing now about to have me a bowl of french vanilla ice cream..yum :D bye guys

Posted in hurtingness


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thank goodness!!

June 18 2007, 8:05 PM

oh what a day what a day.. let's start shall we. lol


Today was my first day of volleyball camp. oh are my arms hurting and bruised. oh yes they are. i met a new friend named britt she's coolio. i saw some of my old friends, like emily and annie and susan and samantha and lots more. We had fun. We did bumping today. it was good i just have the power but no aim geeze lol. We also did setting. i'm awesome at that. i love doing setting. I bounce the ball then roll it up in the air and set it lol. We did serving yea i'm not that good at it. I can do underhand serves. but not upperhand serving. So we had pretty fun after that i went to emily's house and my daddy picked me up. But when i got home i took a little bit of a nap and everything. Then i woke up and fixed me a grilled cheese sandwich ...--yum-- .. and then after i ate it i started cleaning again. grr i hate cleaning. but then the power went out at 6 something and it just cut back on. and it was starting to get dark so i'm glad it came back on. but seriously i'm about to work on some graphixing skills so cherrioes my friends :D

Posted in regularness


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June 17 2007, 8:46 PM

i'm so in a herroieness mood. i made the word up with my friend lizzie. ok so today is father's day. by the way. HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO ALL FATHERS. but today i went shopping with my dad and my mom and my siblings. my sister drove home and she did a good job all she needs is her licensce i bought some basketball shorts for volleyball tomorrow..yay!! i'm seriously hungry. today was so much fun hanging out with my dad. to tell ya'll this i am a daddy's girl no matter what. i love being by his side. i'm such a me!. i love sports, clothes, music, skateboarding, rainbows (i'm not gay, or bi sorry.) and other things. i'm just so happy :D..well toodles i have to mop...eek!! >.< and eat ^_^..-yum!!- au revoir my palllies

Posted in herroieness


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  • Female
  • 13 years old


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Last update Jun 19, 2007